Work is necessary and difficult. Is this all that it is? On the TrueWorks podcast, we explore the beautiful core at the heart of what we call "true work"—work as it is supposed to be. Not only do we look at the places and reasons we work but we also peer into for whom we work and what this has to do with our larger life. Join us to see what true work looks like for you.
Hope in Life and in What Is to Come
Season 1
Episode 10
There are several diverging perspectives on life. Progressivism thinks that humanity is getting better. Nihilism proposes that there is nothing worth getting better at. For Christians, Easter defines all of life. Easter shows us that our current life is intimately connected with the eternal life to come. Christians have yet to understand this or act as if it is true. Please join us as we look at why and the solution to address it.