Work is necessary and difficult. Is this all that it is? On the TrueWorks podcast, we explore the beautiful core at the heart of what we call "true work"—work as it is supposed to be. Not only do we look at the places and reasons we work but we also peer into for whom we work and what this has to do with our larger life. Join us to see what true work looks like for you.
22 episodes
You Are What You Love
Our bodies become what we put in them, with nutrition and exercise we get health; with junk food we get flabby. What about our hearts? Our hearts do not eat things like our body and mouths do. Rather, our hearts love and by our loving, we becom...
Season 1
Episode 21

Life After, Life after Death
Death and taxes. These are certain. What comes after taxes is less money in our pocket. What comes after death is, for Christians, often thought to include floating clouds, spirits, and cherubim. This is not the life that Jesus and the New Test...
Season 1
Episode 20

More than Moral
Most people, whether Christian or not, have enough sense to know that we should not exploit one another. Instead, we should treat one another with respect and morality. Christians often think that "being moral" is all that God calls Christians ...
Season 1
Episode 19

Our Image as Makers
Most of us do not consider ourselves "artists" and under one definition of artists, most of us are not. Yet, everyone makes things. Christian believe that humans are made in God's image and that all humans are makers. Fujimura uses this imagery...
Season 1
Episode 18

Immense Freedom
Join us as we dive into a discussion about sovereignty and the works of Abraham Kuyper — who's intelect inspired much of the work we do at TrueWorks. Discover that when we love God and order our loves well, the byproduct is an immense freedom, ...
Season 1
Episode 17

Changing The World?
Jesus changed the entire world and he asks his followers to do nothing less. But what does this mean and how are Christians supposed to go about doing it? Some think that "love is all we need"--as long as Christians love people, cultural change...
Season 1
Episode 16

The Public Common Ground
How are Christians to accomplish good objectives in the market place and the public square? God works through various means and Christians must find common ground to achieve goals with those who do not share their worldview. In this episode, we...
Season 1
Episode 15

Why Work?
Why do we work? Most of us work but rarely do we reflect on why we work. Upon some reflection, we see that work is necessary to make a living. Of course this is true, but does the answer stop there? As the second world war came to an end, new v...
Season 1
Episode 14

God's Work Behind the Scenes
God is at work in all things that are good in the world, whether those things are explicitly Christian or not. This work is by God's grace, his common grace. This theme influences how we live, the recreation and the work we pursue, even what we...
Season 1
Episode 13

Love, the Sum of All Virtue
Love is perhaps the most profound of all human experiences. From romantic love to friendship, from our loved hobbies and activities. Love takes several different forms. Does the form change when we turn to God's love or the love that God expect...
Season 1
Episode 12

Life Together: Christians in Community
It is neither a common purpose nor an idea that binds Christians together. Instead, it is Christ himself. Dietrich Bonhoeffer argues that Christians have forgotten their common bond and have emptied the Church's vitality. Even though Bonhoeffer...
Season 1
Episode 11

Hope in Life and in What Is to Come
There are several diverging perspectives on life. Progressivism thinks that humanity is getting better. Nihilism proposes that there is nothing worth getting better at. For Christians, Easter defines all of life. Easter shows us that our curren...
Season 1
Episode 10

Transformed by Union
What difference does Christ make to how we live in our day-to-day lives? Most think that if Christ even makes a difference, it is simply by providing a rulebook of "do's and don'ts." John Calvin suggests otherwise. It is not a rulebook that Chr...
Season 1
Episode 9

A Free Servant
What is our duty to our neighbor? Does the gospel obligate us to serve him? Martin Luther argues that the Christian is not obligated to his neighbors since the gospel sets him free. Instead, the Christian is the free servant of his neighbor. Jo...
Season 1
Episode 8

From Longing to Love
"Our hearts are restless until they rest in God," Augustine of Hippo said in the 5th century. The temporal distance of Augustine does nothing to eliminate the relevance of his insight into the human condition. Join us as we discuss this critica...
Season 1
Episode 7

In Christ: Our Union and Glory
A believer's work does not achieve redemption--his work lives out redemption. In this episode, we explore the nature of Jesus Christ's redemption and its significance for the believer. We discuss the believer's union and glorification in Christ...
Season 1
Episode 6

Defining Worldview
In this episode, we put the concept of worldview into practice. We consider three worldviews in Western history: Plato of Athens, Niccolò Machiaveli, and Benjamin Franklin. After analyzing these historical figures, we offer tips on how to use w...
Season 1
Episode 5

Rethinking Worldview
We all see the world in a particular way. We bring beliefs, feelings, history, and assumptions to each moment of our life. This series of assumptions about “the way things really are” is called a "worldview"--the basic lens by which we come to ...
Season 1
Episode 4

Renewing of Creation
In this podcast, we talk about the aspects of earthly existence that are intimately connected to the renewing of creation that is to come. Richard Mouw's little piece "The Ships of Tarshish" serves as the discussion material.
Season 1
Episode 3

Unpacking Interpretation
In this episode, we discuss how to approach reading the Bible. We use Donald Bloesch's article "A Christological Hermeneutic" as a topical launching pad and guide.
From Chaos To Covenant
In this inaugural episode, we explore the journey from chaos to covenant through a conversation on Sandra Richter's book, Epic of Eden.
Season 1
Episode 1

Introduction to the Faith & Work Intensive
In this episode Joshua and Doug introduce the Faith & Work Intensive podcast and course hosted throughout the city in Houston, TX. They discuss expectations in the course, the content, some of their background, and what is to come later in ...
Season 1
Episode 0