Work is necessary and difficult. Is this all that it is? On the TrueWorks podcast, we explore the beautiful core at the heart of what we call "true work"—work as it is supposed to be. Not only do we look at the places and reasons we work but we also peer into for whom we work and what this has to do with our larger life. Join us to see what true work looks like for you.
You Are What You Love
Season 1
Episode 21
Our bodies become what we put in them, with nutrition and exercise we get health; with junk food we get flabby. What about our hearts? Our hearts do not eat things like our body and mouths do. Rather, our hearts love and by our loving, we become (eventually) the object of our loves. We live only by loving and God does not encourage less but MORE love, rightly ordered. Join us as we discuss this lovely topic on this podcast.